Lens Replacement Surgery Reviews

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Karen's Honest Lens Replacement Surgery Experience in Prague | Life-Changing Results!

What clients say about us?

Traveling abroad for medical treatments can be daunting, but after thorough research, we found no faults with the surgeons we chose. As expected, the procedure was phenomenal, the care exceptional, and the support outstanding. Recovery went smoothly.

The surgery was performed for medical reasons, one eye at a time – the first on Wednesday and the second on Friday. Just one day after each operation, I removed the patch from the treated eye and was amazed by the results: perfect 20/20 vision.

Each procedure took only 10 minutes per eye, which is incredible considering the benefits. I can now read even the tiniest print on books or screens with ease. The cost in Prague was just £999 per eye with multifocal lenses, a fraction of what it would be in the UK. It’s a decision I’ll never regret.

Plus, Prague is a stunning city filled with wonderful people, and I’m already planning to return for a holiday. A huge thank you to everyone who made this experience possible!
Lens Replacement Surgery Reviews
Caroline Smith
From the UK
Lens Replacement Surgery
The service I received during my visit to Prague for Lens Replacement surgery was absolutely fantastic. From start to finish, I was taken care of every step of the way, especially by Ivan, who was always attentive and helpful. The clinic was welcoming, spotless, and the staff were exceptionally professional and friendly – nearly everyone spoke English.

The procedure itself was surprisingly simple and not at all intimidating, and the staff made sure the entire experience was stress-free. The tests at the clinic were thorough, and the results were incredible. My eyes are now in the best condition they’ve ever been, and I no longer need glasses. I was even back to yoga the following week, being careful, of course. I had to use a lot of eye drops for four weeks, but setting reminders on my phone made it easy to manage.

Overall, I couldn’t be happier with my experience in Prague. The city is beautiful, and the service at the clinic was exceptional. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had this opportunity and am already planning my next visit to Prague. If you’re considering Lens Replacement surgery, I highly recommend going to Prague with SANDONIA for the procedure.
Lens Replacement Surgery Reviews
Gregg Brown
From the UK
Lens Replacement Surgery
Měla jsem úžasnou zkušenost se společností SANDONIA od začátku až do konce. Naše čtyřčlenná skupina cestovala do Prahy, přičemž dva z nás podstoupili výměnu čoček. Komunikace během celého procesu byla výjimečná, všechny naše dotazy a obavy byly zodpovězeny rychle a jasně. SANDONIA nám poskytla veškerou podporu, kterou jsme během jednotlivých fází léčby potřebovali.

Jako někdo, kdo měl zpočátku obavy z lékařského zákroku v zahraničí, jsem si tuto společnost pečlivě prověřila a nebyla jsem zklamaná. Samotný zákrok byl bezbolestný a neuvěřitelně rychlý. Po operaci jsme obdrželi podrobné pokyny k následné péči a různé oční kapky k použití.

I přes potřebu odpočívat a chránit oči po operaci jsme se rozhodli zůstat v Praze celý týden a prozkoumat město. Bylo to skvělé rozhodnutí, protože jsme mohli zažít krásu a atmosféru města s minimem davů. Dokonce jsme měli možnost navštívit hrad a projít se po Karlově mostě, aniž bychom se museli potýkat s obvyklým množstvím turistů.

Společnost SANDONIA mohu vřele doporučit každému, kdo zvažuje výměnu čoček. Po celou dobu jsem měla pocit, že jsem v rukou zkušených a profesionálních odborníků.
Lens Replacement Surgery Reviews
Andrea Taylor
From the UK
Lens Replacement Surgery
I highly recommend SANDONIA to anyone considering lens replacement surgery. From the moment we expressed interest, communication with James was smooth and reassuring. Upon arriving in Prague, a friendly guide with excellent English took us for our eye examinations and even showed us around the city center. The clinic was modern, impeccably clean, and the staff were incredibly friendly, explaining the entire procedure in detail.

The surgery itself was performed on each eye on different days, which is done for health reasons to reduce strain on the body. The best part was that my vision was excellent right after the procedure. I really appreciate the responsible approach of SANDONIA and the eye surgeon, who made sure everything went smoothly and without issues.

The cost was only a third of what it would have been in the UK, and we also got to enjoy a holiday in beautiful Prague! I’ve already recommended SANDONIA to my friends, and I would strongly encourage anyone considering lens replacement surgery to choose them. I can't thank the team enough for their exceptional care and expertise.
Lens Replacement Surgery Reviews
Colin Jones
From the UK
Lens Replacement Surgery
The care and attention I received from SANDONIA and its team during my trifocal lens replacement treatment were exceptional. I am absolutely thrilled with the results of the operation – I now have perfect 20/20 vision! I cannot thank the team enough for their expertise and professionalism. They truly are the best and I would highly recommend them to anyone in need of similar treatment.
Lens Replacement Surgery Reviews
Victoria Wilson
From the UK
Lens Replacement Surgery
If you're considering Lens Replacement surgery, I highly recommend SANDONIA based on my great experience. After the procedure, I was able to work in front of my computer with crystal clear 20/20 vision just one day later. Don't hesitate to consider this life-changing surgery.
Lens Replacement Surgery Reviews
Paul Turner
From the UK
Lens Replacement Surgery

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